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How to Leverage Apollo Client Fetch Policies Like the Pros

May 17, 2024

How to Leverage Apollo Client Fetch Policies Like the Pros

Apollo Client's caching and fetch policies are powerful tools that can help you optimize your GraphQL queries. We'll explore how to leverage these features to improve the performance of your application.
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Thoughts on the Future of HTTP APIs

May 6, 2024

Thoughts on the Future of HTTP APIs

The introduction of React Server Components (RSCs) and Actions have started a conversation in the JavaScript community about how we interact with our databases and backend services. When developing a new application, do we need to have an API in front of the database?
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Extending GraphQL Schemas with Custom Scalars

Oct 27, 2023

Extending GraphQL Schemas with Custom Scalars

Out-of-the-box GraphQL is extremely powerful in allowing us to define the shape of our data and allow others to consume it. But what if we could give more guidance and clarity at the field level for consumers? In this post, we'll dive into custom scalars and how you can do just that.
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The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

Jun 5, 2023

The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

GraphQL can be an amazing tool for teams to implement the APIs powering their different applications that rely on the same source of data. However, the mental model required for it may not be as straightforward as traditional solutions. Let's explore some of these challenges.
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Nx Serverless GraphQL Microservices Template

Apr 14, 2022

Announcing a Serverless Microservices Template with GraphQL

I'm excited to announce a new project starter kit template that I've been developing for a while. Let me tour you through the repository and the decisions that have been made.
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This Dot Announcing Angular GitHub Clone for starter.dev showcases

Jan 25, 2022

Announcing Angular GitHub Clone for starter.dev showcases

My team at This Dot Labs released a new project we're calling starter.dev GitHub showcases in collaboration with the Angular team. Learn more about what we did and how we did it.
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