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The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

Jun 5, 2023

The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

GraphQL can be an amazing tool for teams to implement the APIs powering their different applications that rely on the same source of data. However, the mental model required for it may not be as straightforward as traditional solutions. Let's explore some of these challenges.
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How I pick my web technology stack? Workflow diagram of content described in the article.

Nov 28, 2022

How I pick my web technology stack?

In this post, I explore how I make technology decisions based on use cases and what technologies I think are best suited towards solving the problem.
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This Dot Building a Multi Platform Community Engagement Tool

Apr 8, 2021

Building a Multi Platform Community Engagement Tool

In a YouTube show, my team discussed how to build a multi-platform community engagement tool to accompany a theoretical e-commerce buisness, A Latte Java. In this post, I summarize the discussion from "Build IT Better Architecture: Roundtable with This Dot Labs Developers".
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serverless node webpack

Nov 27, 2020

Resolving Serverless Webpack Issues

Through debugging a critical issue for my team, I learned quite a few important lessons for those considering the Serverless Framework relating to project and file structure and other key optimizations that your team may want to consider. I'll discuss some techniques and tools I used and share some of the lessons I learned along the way.
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Naming things is hard

Nov 22, 2020

How I managed to encounter and recover from Computer Science’s Two Hardest Problems

Back in August 2019, I managed to encounter both of computer science’s hardest problems: (1) cache invalidation and (2) naming things, while trying to do something relatively simple. I wanted to share my experience and the lessons I learned from that situation.
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