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The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

Jun 5, 2023

The Challenges of the GraphQL Mental Model

GraphQL can be an amazing tool for teams to implement the APIs powering their different applications that rely on the same source of data. However, the mental model required for it may not be as straightforward as traditional solutions. Let's explore some of these challenges.
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Leveraging Astro's Content Collections

Apr 21, 2023

Leveraging Astro's Content Collections

Let's explore Astro v2's new content collections API and how it really helps improve your developer experience and content management.
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How I pick my web technology stack? Workflow diagram of content described in the article.

Nov 28, 2022

How I pick my web technology stack?

In this post, I explore how I make technology decisions based on use cases and what technologies I think are best suited towards solving the problem.
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Starter.dev: Bootstrap your project with zero configuration!

Nov 7, 2022

Starter.dev: Bootstrap your project with zero configuration!

We’re excited to present you with starter.dev, a set of zero-configuration project kits built with your favorite tools. Each kit is configured with the following so you can focus on building features instead of spending time on configuration. Read here to learn more.
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This Dot GitHub Actions for Serverless Framework Deployments

Sep 26, 2022

GitHub Actions for Serverless Framework Deployments

In this article, I discuss deploying applications built with the Serverless Framework and Nx utilizing GitHub Actions and some of the reasons you may want to consider using this strategy.
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This Dot Git Strategies for Working on Teams

Sep 1, 2022

Git Strategies for Working on Teams

This is a write up on my thoughts relating to how teams should best utilize git for their needs to have an effective collaborative work environment.
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Debugging Node Serverless Functions

Apr 20, 2022

Debugging Node Serverless Functions on AWS Lambda

Writing and testing functions for serverless locally can be a breeze especially with the Serverless Framework and serverless-offline plugin. However, once you get to real infrastructure, sometimes debugging your functions can be really challenging. Let's talk about some debugging tips and tricks.
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Nx Serverless GraphQL Microservices Template

Apr 14, 2022

Announcing a Serverless Microservices Template with GraphQL

I'm excited to announce a new project starter kit template that I've been developing for a while. Let me tour you through the repository and the decisions that have been made.
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Serverless 3 Review

Jan 29, 2022

Why you should upgrade to Serverless 3

Serverless 3 just released and it has some pretty amazing quality of life improvements. Let's check out these new features and how we should leverage them today.
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This Dot Announcing Angular GitHub Clone for starter.dev showcases

Jan 25, 2022

Announcing Angular GitHub Clone for starter.dev showcases

My team at This Dot Labs released a new project we're calling starter.dev GitHub showcases in collaboration with the Angular team. Learn more about what we did and how we did it.
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This Dot Migrating a classic Express.js to Serverless Framework

Jan 17, 2022

Migrating a classic Express.js to Serverless Framework

My team recently needed an easy deployment of a small Express.js server and we discovered that Serverless Framework helped us do this at a very low cost.
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This Dot Building a Multi Platform Community Engagement Tool

Apr 8, 2021

Building a Multi Platform Community Engagement Tool

In a YouTube show, my team discussed how to build a multi-platform community engagement tool to accompany a theoretical e-commerce buisness, A Latte Java. In this post, I summarize the discussion from "Build IT Better Architecture: Roundtable with This Dot Labs Developers".
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